The Paving Specialist: Richards Bay, Empangeni, Zululand

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About Us

The Paving Specialist was founded by Jaco du Pisanie in 1999 in the friendly town of Richards Bay. It started off as a one man band with one little Nissan 1400 bakkie and a crew of craftsmen that were eager to share their love for creating brick paintings in the sand.

Seventeen years on, we are a well established paving company equipped with multiple paving teams that are well trained, supervised and ready to get the job done. Paving is our passion and it’s what we do best. We welcome you to put our skills to the test.

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“Paving is a specialist craft so make sure to call 'The Paving Specialist to get the job done right!”

Jaco du Pisanie / Founder The Paving Specialist

Residential Driveways

Residential driveways form the bulk of our work and we always try and stress to our clients that time should be taken to choose the correct pavers to give your house the best possible presentation. In many cases your driveway and garden layout will give people the first impression of what to expect beyond the front door.

Residential driveways are most commonly paved with cobble or bevel edge pavers, where the movement of heavy vehicles is absent. Clay pavers are also a very good choice if you are prepared to spend more on the initial capital layout.

The thickness of the pavers mentioned above varies from 40mm to 55mm and their strength is between 20 – 25mpa for the cement pavers and up to 50mpa for some for the clay pavers. We gladly give advice on a range of different paving products to make sure you get the right product for the right application.

Flagstone Paving

These pavers are the cream of the crop and will light up the appearance of any pool or patio area. The installation process is timely and has to be done in the correct manner to ensure the desired result is obtained.

Flagstone pavers come in a variety of sizes and colours that can be mixed to form different patterns. The thickness of these pavers is usually 40mm to 50mm and they are laid open joint with a spacing of approximately 25mm between each paver.

There is a wide variety of manufacturers that cast these products and they are available with different textures.

Industrial Paving

When we pave these kind of areas we make use of a stronger and thicker interlocking paver . It is imperative to use a SABS approved paver for this application to ensure that the paver meets the required strengths specifications.

Examples of where these kinds of pavers are used are shopping centres, petrol stations, universities, truck stops and general parking areas.

The interlocking pavers vary in strength from 25 – 45mpa and their thickness range from  60mm to 80mm depending on the weight specifications.

These pavers must be able to deal with high traffic and heavy loads on an everyday basis. These pavers are made in a zigzag rectangular shape, and can be manufactured in different colours on request.

Retaining Walls and Blocks

Retaining blocks are very useful tools and can be used in many different applications. The most common use for these blocks is to retain soil that pose a challenge to building sites or to retain soil on different levels.

The key to success here is to start off with a solid foundation and then to keep placing the retainer blocks in a level position and to build up from there.

It’s easier said than done in some instances, but it’s a problem solver of note.  There are many different shapes of these blocks on the market and some of them will even come in terracotta colour.

Wall Cladding

With this application, loose pieces of cast cladding are cemented onto the wall using different shapes and sizes to form a unique pattern. 

They look great and give a good finish to any wall or stepped area.  Sizes and colours will vary from one manufacturer to the next but overall their appearance is similar.

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Contact Details

3 Copper Corner, Alton, Richards Bay

082 825 5109


Residential and Commercial Driveway Paving

Pool and Patio Paving (Flagstone)

Industrial Paving (Interlocking SABS approved)

Retaining Walls and Blocks